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Pada hari Kamis, 21 Juli 2022, Satuan Inovasi UNESA mengadakan kunjungan kinerja ke Direktorat Inovasi dan Kawasan Science
After being delayed twice by the implementation of the ASEAN Para Games XI due to the prospective hosts resigning, Indonesia became a savior by becoming the official host of the ASEAN Para Games XI 2022. The ASEAN Para Games XI event experienced d
To socialize and widen its reach to the broader community, the Sports Science Division of SATINOV UNESA has begun to carry out the "Digital Program for the Sports Science Division." This activity is one of the five main work programs of the Sports
On the occasion of a dinner held by the Chair of the East Java Indonesian Triathlon Federation (FTI) as well as the Central FTI Binpres, Armando Van Kempen, the UNESA Sport Science Division Team optimized this opportunity to be able to open up opp